How to Open a Link From <iframe> in the Parent Window
To open the link from <iframe> in the parent window, you can use the <base> tag and set the target attribute to _parent in the <head> section.
To open the link from <iframe> in the parent window, you can use the <base> tag and set the target attribute to _parent in the <head> section.
Telephone links are the ones that you tap to call a number on phone-capable devices. Of course, some devices are able to recognize phone numbers and provide the linking automatically, but it’s not always so.
In the example below, we use :tel within the HT
If you use <input type="file">, it will accept all file types. But it is possible to restrict the file types to only images, or certain image file extensions. To achieve this, you need to use the HTML accept attribute. This attribute is only used with <input type="file"> and serves as a filter to select file inputs from the file input dialog box.
In general, you cannot use the CSS text-align property to center an image, as it works only on block elements, and the <img> is an inline one. But there is a trick that will help you to center the image with the text-align property. If you need this property for some reasons, you can add a <div> element and specify the text-align property on it. Use the “center” value of this property.
When you create a web form, you’ll probably need to know how to align labels with inputs. Here, we’ll show how it’s possible to create right-aligned and left-aligned <label> elements next to inputs.
You've probably seen a "back-to-top" button at the bottom-right corner on many websites when you're scrolling around. Clicking on that button takes you back to the top of the page.
This is a great feature to have on any website, and today we are going to see how to build it with nothing but HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
There is a situation when you want to use the on click directive inside a component but it doesn’t work. Here we suggest a snippet that will work like a charm.
To listen to native events on the root element of a component, the .native modifier for v-on should be used like this:
<div id="app">
<test v-on:click.native="testFunction"></test>
There is a shorthand version of the above snippet:
Programmers are still struggling with the created and mounted hooks in Vue.js and trying to find out what is the difference between these two. Let’s figure out together and see which method is used for real-life situations covered up in this tutorial.
Last night I was experimenting with Silex and I needed a register/login form. Silex comes with a SecurityServiceProvider
which gives you the power of the symfony/security component. But I couldn’t figure out how to programmatically login the user after registration. So here’s my solution:
In order to login you have to do following steps
When updating vendor through "composer update" or "composer install", the content of "Resources/public" of each bundle is copied into web/bundles, to create symlinks you have to make a small change in composer.json.
"extra": {
There are several ways to include a PDF file in your HTML document: Using the <embed> and <object> tags, which are considered to be old-fashioned ways, because they are deprecated now. And Using the <a> or the <iframe> tag.
The easiest way to put PDF in an HTML document is using the <a> tag with its href attribute. You need to add the URL or the reference link of your PDF file to the element. Your code will look like the following.
The <video> tag is added in HTML5 along with its sibling, <audio>. Before the release of HTML5, a video could only be played in a browser with a plug-in (like a flash). The HTML5 <video> element specifies a standard way to embed a video in a web page. That is to say that the video is identified by adding a video URL to a source attribute. One can use it to embed videos imported from the computer or hosted by an external website.
Environment variables are those which provide a list of web services to your web application. All the environment variables are declared in the .env file which includes the parameters required for initializing the configuration.
By default, the .env file includes following parameters:
In Laravel, all requests are mapped with the help of routes. Basic routing routes the request to the associated controllers. This chapter discusses routing in Laravel.
Routing in Laravel includes the following categories: Basic Routing - Route parameters - Named Routes
Laravel is a web application framework based on PHP, it provides tools to create powerful and robust applications, it is an open source framework, which provides a structure that saves a lot of time to create and plan large applications . It is one of the most secure platforms using a PHP base. It provides built-in features for user authorization such as login, register and forget password.