Mailto links are used to redirect to an email address instead of a web page URL. When a user clicks on the Mailto link, the default email client on the visitor's computer opens and suggests sending a message to the email address mentioned in the Mailto link.
To create a Mailto link, you need to use the HTML <a> tag with its href attribute, and insert a "mailto:" parameter after it, like the following:
<a href="">Send Email</a>
If you want to receive the email to more than one address, separate your email addresses with a comma:
<a href=",">Send Email</a>
If you want to have a subject field, which is already filled out, add the “subject” parameter to the href attribute:
<a href=" from our Website">Send Email</a>
To add CC and BCC to your email, use the "cc" or "bcc" parameter on the href attribute:
<a href=",, & from our Website">Send Email</a>
To add a body text, use the "body" parameter with other parameters:
<a href=",, & from our Website&body=Some body text here">Send Email</a>