To load node details using its id in Drupal 8+ uses the following syntax:
$node_details = Node::load($nid);
We can load multiple nodes in Drupal 8+ using load multiple() function. Note that the parameter should be an array of ids.
$nodes = Node::loadMultiple($nids);
foreach ($nodes as $node_content) {
$title = $node_content->getTitle();
$created_by = $node_content->getOwner();
$type = $node_content->getType();
$field1 = $node_content->field_FIELD_NAME->value;
// Get necessary fileds like this.
If it is a node page, then we can get
$node_content = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node');
. Similarly we can load file by id and get its contents like this:
$file = File::load($file_fid);
$file_url = $file->url();
$file_name = $file->getFilename();
$url = Url::fromUri($file_url);
$file_user_entity = $file->getOwner()
$file_user_id = $file->getOwnerId()
$size = $file->getSize();
// Getting all other details of the file goes here.
We can load multiple files like node using File::loadMultiple($fids)
For taxonomy term loading we have to pass its target id Term::load($keyword_name->target_id);
. We can use getName(), getVocabularyId(), getDescription() etc.
For vocabularies we can use, Vocabulary::load($vid)
. If there is an object for vocabulary then we can get the vocabulary hierarchy by using $vb_obj->getHierarchy()
. Note that we have to use the entity class for appropriate load use Drupal\node\Entity\ENTITY_NAME;
. For example:
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term;
use Drupal\file\Entity\File;